On-Ice Development

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1. One-Week Camps

Since our team consists of experts in the field of Exercise Physiology*, Peak Centre hockey camps are specifically designed and curated to help tackle all the main facets in skill development, based on our Long-Term Athlete Development (LTAD) principles. This ensures that each athlete is doing the drills and progressions suitable for their stage of development, see below:

Various 1-week camps exist including: Defence Development, Shooting and Scoring Development, Forward Development, Battle Development, Puck Skill Development, and Advanced Semi-Private Camps. Our hockey camps are designed for age groups of Novice through to Midget/Junior Prep.

Each camp day consists of intense ice time, dryland conditioning, hockey educational lectures/seminars (breakdown of game film, thought-provoking questions regarding the game of hockey, etc.), as well as extra activities to help prepare our athletes, both physically and mentally, for their tryouts.

At the Peak Centre, we believe that skating technique and skating fitness are extremely crucial for success in hockey. Our acceleration program is designed to help young skaters improve their skating ability and build speed/on-ice fitness. Using age and developmentally appropriate skating drills and progressions, players are challenged in all aspects of their skating mechanics, while we take into careful consideration the work:rest ratio relative to the sport of hockey. 

Did You Know?

In a typical hockey shift, a player will experience approximately 3-4 bursts of hard skating that last approximately 2-3 seconds at a time. As a result of this, players with the ability to reach top speed in a short period of time have a definite advantage over their opponents.

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2. Skill Development Sessions

(Acceleration, Shooting, Scoring)

The Peak Centre private and semi-private sessions are offered to those who wish to focus in on one or more specific on-ice skills, without the distractions that typically arise from a larger group setting. 

Private sessions consist of a 1:1 player-coach ratio; whereas, Semi-Private sessions can consist of up to a 1:6 player-coach ratio, in order to help players reap the benefits of having more coach attention during the entire session. This has proven time and time again to be the most efficient way to increase skill development, goal achievement, and increase the amount of training specificity found within each private or semi-private session. These styles of on-ice sessions also allow each player to maximize the number of repetitions performed, which in turn increases the potential for skill consolidation tenfold. 

3. Skating Analysis

Skating skills are crucial to a player’s success in hockey. Many young players lack the sound skating fundamentals that will allow them to progress to higher levels of play. The first steps in correcting skating weaknesses are to identify the problems and determine the reasons why they are occurring.

The Peak Centre Skating Assessment is one of the most comprehensive skating assessments on the market. It begins with an on-ice video session where the skater goes through all of the fundamental skating patterns. The video is then dissected and analyzed by our experts using biomechanical analysis software, so that our skating coach can then review the areas that need improvement with the player. In conjunction with the information from our on-ice skating assessment, our Exercise Physiologists can then perform an off-ice Movement Screen Assessment, which enables us to determine weaknesses, imbalances and flexibility issues throughout the body, to further tackle the underlying issues related to skating efficiency and effectiveness. 

Did You Know?

As a child grows, their muscles, bones, connective tissue, nervous system and hormonal system all develop at different times. These differences create what have been called “windows of opportunity” for training (i.e. periods of time when their body is going to adapt most effectively to certain types of training). Taking advantage of these windows of opportunity will allow your child to maximize their development and future performance, while missing a window of opportunity or having the wrong training emphasis will have a long-term negative effect on their performance, making it more difficult for them to reach their full potential. 

Optional add-ons

  • Technical corrections with Coach Pat
  • Strength corrections with Coach Luke

4. Development for Associations/Teams

At Peak, not only do we work with individuals, we specialize in full-team training programs for all sports that will maximize each individuals’ performance for overall winning team results. We have left quite a large footprint in the hockey world by working with a large variety of teams and associations, while always providing an all-or-nothing approach to on and off-ice development at all levels. 

The team of professionals that we built over the years allows us to go above and beyond with regard to the services that we can offer in our hockey programs. These services include:

  • Fitness Testing;
  • Physiological Monitoring (in and out-of-lab assessments);
  • Training Plan Design;
  • Nutritional Analysis and Diet Design;
  • Biomechanical Analysis and Optimization;
  • Sport Psychology;
  • And many more...

Our on-ice development program consists of a comprehensive weekly training regimen to help promote team cohesion, chemistry, and a competitive environment while maximizing entire team skill development and success.

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